WISH Check Presentation

Tuesday night, November 24th, The Brothers at Haskell Masonic Lodge #334 presented to W.I.S.H. (Women In Safe Houses) a check to help them with sheltering and taking care of women victimized by domestic abuse. This is a followup from the "Kick Up Your Heels" Walk held in Muskogee on October 22nd, where several brothers from Haskell Masonic Lodge #334 participated in as well as Muskogee Masonic Lodge #28, Fort Gibson Masonic Lodge #12 and many businesses, people, schools, and more.

Pictured left to right third row: John Mccabe and Jamie Bevard; Second row left to right: Roger Graves, Matthew Harden, D.D.G.M. Michael T Harden, Jim Ritchey (Muskogee Masonic Lodge #28) and Don Keaton; First row left to right: Steven Cox, Sissy Carden (Assistant Director of W.I.S.H.), Karen Ritchey (Administrative Assistant of W.I.S.H.) and Michael Roth.
Picture provided by Matthew Harden